With every credit card payment, you can earn reward points and redeem them to get a discount or gift voucher, reduce the outstanding balance, and more. This is one of the best and most popular reasons people sign up for credit cards.
Using your card smartly will help you maximise these benefits and get the most out of your card—and it’s not that difficult. Here are some tips on getting maximum benefits from your credit card payments.
Optimise Your Credit Card Usage
Different cards have different types of rewards programs, offers and cashback. Given this, matching your spending with your card is essential for maximum benefits. For example, a lifestyle credit card will give you great deals on movie ticket booking, dining and shopping.
Similarly, if you are looking for airport lounge access, discounts on flight tickets, or hotel bookings with credit card payments, you should use a travel credit card.
Choose the Right Payment Mode
You can leverage the issuer’s partnership with online platforms and offline stores for additional discounts. For instance, you may get a better discount on online payment instead of offline. So, you must choose the right credit card payment option to get the best benefit.
Additionally, you should try and use your card whenever you can. Even the smallest transaction can help you gradually accumulate reward points. Using your card for regular payments can also help you monitor them and avoid unnecessary spending in the future. However, make sure you don’t max out the card or spend more than you can pay back.
Spend with Rewards
You can use your accumulated points to earn considerable benefits on your regular spending or exchange them for exclusive perks. Here are some ways you can use your reward points:
- Use your points to shop from the issuer’s product catalogue
- Exchange them for air miles to get discounts on your flight bookings
- Use your reward points to get a fuel surcharge waiver
- Redeem your points to get cashback and reduce the outstanding balance on your credit card statement
- Buy gift cards for your family and friends
- Avail vouchers for the retail store or food chain where you make frequent purchases
- Combine your reward points to get a hefty discount at partner retail stores
Note that the redemption process, as well as the terms and conditions, will vary depending on the card and the issuer.
Leverage Seasonal Offers
Credit card issuers frequently have seasonal offers and promotional discounts, which you can use to your advantage. More often than not, they inform you about such offers through emails and messages.
You can effectively time your purchase around these and save more whenever you shop. You should also keep an eye out for festive or seasonal offers at partner stores. This way, you can enjoy a discount from the store and the issuer.
This is a very effective solution to buying big-ticket items such as electronics, home decor, personal care shopping, etc.
Redeem Rewards on Time
Another important tip to effectively use your reward points is to keep track of their expiry period. It is easy to forget or miss the expiration date, especially if you are accumulating them.
This can lead to missed opportunities. You can check the validity of your points through:
- Credit card statement
- Credit card mobile application
- Issuer’s website
Pay your Credit Card Dues on Time
Paying your bills on time is crucial because the outstanding balance will attract interest if you don’t. Over time, the interest piles on top of the existing due amount, negating the benefits you earn.
You also lose the interest-free period if you don’t pay on time. Moreover, an outstanding balance can restrict the use of your card and affect your creditworthiness. So, ensure that you pay the bill on time.
Remember, to maximise the benefits of credit card payments you need to have the right card. It is ideal to opt for a card that aligns with your spending habits. One Credit Card is one option, designed to complement your habits and help you spend confidently.
With this card, you get 5X rewards on your top two spend categories. So, if you use your credit card mostly for shopping, you will earn 5X reward points on those transactions. This way, you can get the best rewards every time.
Moreover, the points never expire and you can redeem reward points whenever suitable. You also pay zero redemption charges along with no annual or joining fees. Apply online to get yours.